Vital Signs of the Earth
Here, we present and discuss various fields of research that are major contributing factors to climate change, AKA the ‘Vital Signs of Earth’. These include CO2 levels, global temperature, sea ice, land ice, and sea levels, as well as how they all work together to form the integrated system that is our planet. All information is sourced from reliable, scientific, and peer-reviewed sources, namely the NASA Climate webpage.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an important heat-trapping (greenhouse) gas, which is released through human activities such as deforestation and burning fossil fuels, as well as natural processes such as respiration and volcanic eruptions. Greenhouse gases (like CO2 or methane) trap heat through what is called the greenhouse effect. The term is used to describe the heat-trapping process that happens when these gases are in our atmosphere. When the sun warms the earth, solar energy radiates as heat from the earth back into the atmosphere. When this solar energy meets a greenhouse gas, it is absorbed and eventually released in a random direction. The heat will be radiated back to the earth’s surface, to another greenhouse gas, or out to space. All but the latter trap heat that would otherwise have been released to space, therefore contributing to the greenhouse effect.
So, the more CO2 (or other greenhouse gases) there are in the atmosphere, the warmer the Earth will be. The graph shows CO2 levels during the last three glacial cycles, as reconstructed from ice cores. As you can see, we have reached unprecedented levels of CO2 in our atmosphere and they are rising quicker than ever. There is overwhelming consensus in the scientific community that this is a major cause for concern.
This graph illustrates the change in global surface temperature relative to 1951-1980 average temperatures. Eighteen of the 19 warmest years all have occurred since 2001, with the exception of 1998. The year 2016 ranks as the warmest on record. (Source: NASA/GISS). This research is broadly consistent with similar constructions prepared by the Climatic Research Unit and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It is widely accepted in the scientific community that global warming is due in large part to the above-mentioned greenhouse effect.
Arctic sea ice reaches its minimum each September. September Arctic sea ice is now declining at a rate of 12.85 percent per decade, relative to the 1981 to 2010 average. This graph shows the average monthly Arctic sea ice extent each September since 1979, derived from satellite observations. Furthermore, sea ice plays a role in keeping our planet cool by reflecting sun radiation back out to space. While ice reflects light, water absorbs it. Unfortunately, the more sea ice that melts due to global warming, the less sea ice there will be to reflect radiation, therefore warming the earth more, thus melting more ice, and so on. This cycle of perpetual warming is an example of a positive feedback loop and another major cause for concern among climate scientists.

Data from NASA’s GRACE satellites show that the land ice sheets in both Antarctica (upper chart) and Greenland (lower) have been losing mass since 2002. Both ice sheets have seen an acceleration of ice mass loss since 2009. (Source: GRACE satellite data). There are a couple of major concerns in regard to the melting of land ice glaciers. First is the above-mentioned positive feedback loop that takes place when there is less ice on the earth’s surface to reflect radiation. The second major concern surrounding melting land ice is its contribution to rising sea levels around the world and the potential for disruption of our ocean currents.
96 (± 4) mm rise since 1993
Sea level rise is caused primarily by two factors related to global warming: the added water from melting ice sheets and glaciers and the expansion of seawater as it warms. The graph tracks the change in sea levels since 1993 as observed by satellites. Currently rising 3.3 millimeters per year, sea levels are a major threat to many coastal and island communities.

1) Solar Irradiance: Solar radiation is the source of heat for planet Earth. Scientists use evidence from proxy measurements, such as sunspot counts going back centuries and ancient tree rings, to measure the amount of Sun that reaches Earth’s surface today in comparison to the past. A comprehensive study has found that the sun has an 11-year sunspot cycle, which causes about 0.1% variation in the Sun’s output. The solar cycle is incorporated into climate models.
2) Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Since the industrial revolution, concentrations of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) have risen in the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases absorb and then re-radiate heat in Earth’s atmosphere, through the above mentioned greenhouse effect, which cause increased warming.
3) Aerosols, dust, smoke, and soot: Very small airborne particles come from both human and natural sources have various effects on climate. Sulfate aerosols, which result from burning coal, biomass, and volcanic eruptions, tend to cool the earth. Other kinds of particles such as black carbon have a warming effect. The global distribution of aerosols is being tracked from the ground and from satellites.
One feedback that increases an initial warming is a ‘positive feedback loop’.
One feedback that reduces an initial warming is a ‘negative feedback loop’.
1) Clouds: Clouds have a huge impact on the Earth’s climate, reflecting about one-third of the total amount of sunlight that hits the Earth’s atmosphere back into space. Even small changes to the number of clouds in the sky, their location, and their type could have large consequences. A warmer climate is expected to cause more water to be held in our atmosphere, leading to an increase in cloudiness, thus altering the amount of sunlight that reaches the surface of the Earth. Less heat would get absorbed, which could slow the increased warming. This is an example of a negative feedback loop.
2) Precipitation: Global climate models show that precipitation will increase overall due to the increased amount of water held in a warmer atmosphere, but only in certain regions. Some regions will dry out instead. Regardless, changes in precipitation patterns, such as overall increased water availability, may cause an increase in plant growth on the planet as a whole, which in turn would remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. If this increased water leads to more plant growth like many climate scientists predict, this would be another negative feedback loop, and would help to mitigate global warming.
3) Greening of the forests: Natural processes, such as tree growth and ocean absorption, remove about half of human CO2 emissions from the atmosphere every year. Scientists are currently studying where this CO2 goes. The delicate balance between the absorption and release of CO2 is the subject of research by many scientists. There is evidence that the ability of the oceans or forests to continue absorbing CO2 may decline as the world warms, reaching a sort of saturation point, thus leading to faster accumulation in the atmosphere. If these studies prove true, this is an example of a positive feedback loop.
Other considerations: Deforestation is a cause for concern, as there are fewer trees available to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Also, as the ocean absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere, it becomes more acidic. Ocean Acidification is a potentially huge issue. As the ocean becomes more acidic, marine plants and animals that use carbonate to form hard shells or other structures will suffer. These include mollusks like clams and oysters, and reef-building corals. Not only does acidification limit their access to the carbonate they need for building material, but it could also become severe enough to dissolve existing coral structures and the shells of living organisms. Coral reefs, the most biologically diverse places on the planet, are particularly vulnerable. Ocean acidification has potentially major implications for the oceans and the planet as a whole. [Source]
4) Ice Albedo: Ice is white and very reflective, in contrast to the ocean or earth’s surface, which is darker and absorbs heat faster. As the atmosphere warms, and sea and land ice melt, the darker surfaces that were once covered in ice absorb more heat. This warms the earth more, causes more ice to melt, and so on. The ice-albedo feedback is a very strong positive feedback loop. [Source]
1) Ocean Circulation: As sea and land ice melt, ocean circulation is changing as a result of increased freshwater to the system. Ocean currents are a major driver of Earth’s climate and are major determiners of regional weather patterns. As more ice melts, many scientists predict ocean circulation will reach a point where currents will overturn and change drastically. This would result in major, unprecedented changes to the weather around the world, a true point of no return for our planet’s future.
2) Ice Loss: Due to the strong positive feedback loop associated with ice loss, if enough ice melts, causing Earth’s surface to absorb more and more heat, many climate scientists believe we may hit a point of no return.
3) Rapid Release of Methane: Large deposits of frozen methane, a potent greenhouse gas, and CO2 lie beneath permafrost in Arctic regions. About a quarter of the Northern Hemisphere is covered by permafrost. As the environment warms and the permafrost thaws, these deposits are predicted to release into the atmosphere and cause a major increase in global warming through the greenhouse effect.
I’m sure if you have read up to this point, it’s pretty clear that the earth is warming. Regardless of the cause, we need to understand the implications for our survival and comfort in a different, warmer climate. There are two major lenses one can look at this topic; the knowns and the unknowns.
Among the knowns are:
Rising sea levels will cause the destruction of coastal regions around the world.
Modification of weather patterns will lead to many issues, including changes in growing seasons/regions, an increase in catastrophic weather events like hurricanes and droughts, and ecological modification such as loss of biodiversity (which has its own implications).
Direct impacts on humanity caused by a warming planet and changing weather patterns. For example, hotter summers will lead to more heat strokes, just as melting glaciers will decrease the availability of fresh water. The hardest hit will be those living in poverty and in susceptible regions such as low-lying coastal areas.
The altering of ranges of infectious diseases, such as malaria, as tropical temperature zones expand. [Source]
While these effects are easily predictable, there is a whole plethora of potential negative effects a warming climate could have that are less predictable and are directly related to the above-mentioned known effects.
Among the unknowns are:
The scale that humans are directly impacted, possibly ranging from a few of us to all of us.
The ability of humans to produce food in a changing climate and loss of fresh water.
The scale and implications surrounding the loss of biodiversity.
The overall ability of humans to adapt to these changes.
In a world as complex as ours, with so many unknowns, it is hard to predict exactly how climate change is going to affect our experience on Earth. One thing is clear: the more drastic the change in temperature, the more changes that will occur to our planet and its environment. These changes are going to test humanity and our ability to adapt. It is not an ideal situation for humans to be in a warming climate when everything in our world currently revolves around the norm. Whether we like to admit it or not, we rely on the planet and its stable climate on multiple different levels. In order to increase our ability to survive, it is important to consider not only how to mitigate further warming of our planet, but to learn how to adapt to the changes that are already imminent.